MainCorner sofas
NoAvailable colors:
252 cmHeight
92 cmDepth
140 cm1120.35 €
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Paceļamais mehānisms.
Cena norādīta no 1. kategorijas auduma.
Cena no 2. kategorijas auduma - 398 €.
Cena no 3. kategorijas auduma - 408 €.
Platums: 252 cm
Our furniture are friendly of many reasons. They are beautiful and functional. We offer a wide choice of various styles to satisfy completely different tastes. We suits many people with distinct demands. We are all united in one: we care that a flat would be a source of joy every day. Furniture are designed in such way that everyone would be their architect by himself.
We choose from given system not only segments that we need. We have an influence on their look and also price. Buying furniture have never been so easy.
€ 1 120.35
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